Evening Update, April 8th.

Tonight’s Update : Cyclone Wallace staying off shore, with a new burst moving in behind it, bring some rain into…...

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Evening Update, April 7th.

Tonight’s Update : Still uncertainty with Cyclone Wallace, however upper troughs are now starting to show up for next weekend,…...

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Evening Update, April 6th.

Tonight’s Update : Weak systems moving through early this coming week, with a big increase next weekend and beyond, as…...

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Evening Update, April 5th.

Tonight’s Update : Massive dust storm today in SA with gale force Northerlies, much cooler this next week and calm,…...

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Evening Update, April 4th.

Tonights Update : Slow and steady as she goes, with humidity on the increase, and now models begin to react…...

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Evening Update, April 3rd.

Tonight’s Update : Quick look at the set up for next week, no change across the board tonight. Good evening…...

This content is for Gold , Platinum , 6 month Gold , 12 month Gold, 6 Month Platinum, and 12 Month Platinum members only.
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